... yesterday in Catania marked my final game in the EU for the 2010 season. While the ending may not have been the story book one we were looking for, it does end what has been a great year thus far in 2010. Coming to Europe I did not know what to really expect; however, what I found was an experience of a life time that took me to places I only grew up reading about. From Barcelona, Milan, Vienna, and all the way down to Sicily, being in Europe and meeting dozens of wonderful people is something I would never trade in or regret.
I know previously I was on a 28 Days to the Center of Sergio countdown, but now with an earlier departure date, which is looking like this Thursday. This will be my final blog on European soil. From back to my arrival in Badalona, Barcelona, Spain, I have like I previously stated, been around great groups of people. Even in Bergamo, Milano, Italy, the type of people I have crossed faced with here in Europe are what truly made the experience that much more. Granted, the go-go-go party hard lifestyle in Spain was nothing similar the laid back tranquility that was Northern Italy. None the less, both were amazing in their own respects.
So About 2011?
I know that one of the big questions I am asked is, "Will I play again in Europe in 2011?" To be honest, with a year under my belt and a true perspective on how things are really ran here. I would certainly be open to coming back to Europe for another round in 2011. But like I said, it would have to be on proper terms and a set agreement that I can count on. As you know, or not, the sole reason I made my transfer to Italy from Spain late in the season was because of finances associated with the agree upon contract. I do not want to go into details but things along those lines is were I will draw a new viewpoint on 2011. I do not want to go into a situation that from the beginning is not what the contract states. Whether it is payment schedule or something small as a cell phone. It does not matter, because in the end of the day I am going to give you everything I got, I just want a team to met me half way.
So what teams do I have in mind? To be honest, I have already been contacted by over 2 dozen teams about coming back in 2011, from Finland all the way out to Serbia. The interest extends clear across the entire EU and into the Eastern block. But I will tell you this, although I originally left Spain, I loved it. The people, culture, environment, and everything that is Catalunya captivated me from the beginning. So regardless of the countries already offering me contracts for 2011, the clear leader and team that would get a confirmation from me the moment they asked me to play would be L'Hospitalet Pioners. They run a great organization out of Barcelona and the fact that they are coming of a Spanish Championship means two things: they have a winning mind set and they are EFL bound for 2011. Yes I said, they are my clear cut number one team I would like to play for in 2011.
The Highs and Lows of 2010
The High Point would certainly be my first game home game in Badalona with the Dracs. We were playing home town rivals Pioners in a game that featured some quality US players, and I would say the two best Spanish players, if not 4-5, as well. It was a close game all the way into the late second quarter when I caught a 52 yard TD pass from Sergi to really start our seperation from the Pioners. It would go down as only one of two installments of a great match up against the Pioners in LNFA 2010. As they would claim the second match in L'Hospitalet against us later that season.
The Low Point would be the week of, and the first play, against Bolzano Giants in Euro Bowl. The week leading into the game, in the midst of a financial problem already brewing, I decided to turn down a great offer from Coach Winters and the Zurich Renegades to stay in Badalona. I bought into my loyalty and stuck with the team that gave my career a second chance. What happened? First play of the that week I went down with a fractured tibia and sprained MCL that would keep me out of the game I came to Badalona to play in, EFL Euro Bowl vs Vienna Vikings 3 weeks later.
After a full season in Europe you start to really understand fully the mind set of the national players here in Europe. As an American, in terms of culture and football in general, your mind set is completely different than that of the Europeans. Many US imports do not understand this and is what ultimately drives them crazy because they are unable to grasp the concept of American Football here in the EU. I truly commend the players here in Europe, not only do they pay to play in most cases, the passion that they have for the game is second to none. Rain or shine, in cold weather or unbearable humidity, their passion does not change. It is a constant, from the young players to the old ones, you just see it in their eyes. This is what made me really appreciate everything around football that much more. To come to a foreign land and watch men display a passion for the sport I love was incredible. So to all the teammates and players I played against this season, thank you for making the football experience that much more.
Euro Players
I would like to personally thank Roger Kelly of EuroPlayers.com for always providing me some quality insight, and as I learned today, some very interesting humor. The man runs a great site that allows both US players and European teams to connect and create an agreement to play here in the EU. But more than that, he also helped me with many scenarios that played out here during the 2010 season and was just a cool guy to talk to. So I look forward to many more conversations with Mr. Kelly, and once again thank you.
The Deep South Connection Continues to Grow
So coming to Bergamo I had no idea I would be fortunate to have another great roommate and US teammate in Bradley Robinson. In Badalona I was was fortunate to spend my time with two great guys in Meech and Duba as well so I guess 2010 was the year of great roommates. But B Rob made the Bergamoski experience so much better. In many ways, he kind of got me back to the old me, but that is a deeper blog entry for another date. I just find it funny that my Southern friends list continues to grow by the day. I think I now have met some great people in every Southern state in the US. Something about that Dirty South, I don't know what grease your frying everything in but you truly are home to some great people.
Just like that another chapter of my life comes to an end. It has been a great turn around to a long run in life that really beat me down. 2010 represented some of the best times of my life that I will never forget. The people I met here in Europe reminded me how good life really is when you look at the bright side. As a friend of mine in Spain said, it only rains momentarily, but it will always be sunshine. That is a really great way of looking at life. Just stay positive and you never know where life will take you. For me it took me half way around the world to a place I only dreamed of visiting. Imported Goods 2010, over and out, now, until Imported Goods 2011. Adios. Ciao. Bye. No, hello, good byes are for final meetings, so until next season. Good night Europe. It has been a pleasure.
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