Stop the press, stop the press, Imported Goods is back again for yet another rendition into the lifestyle of an American football player. For those of you new to the blog, Imported Goods 2010 was centered on my comeback after a disastrous 4 year lay off from the game of football, which included: a misdiagnosed career ending injury, depression, anorexia, and other life changes that led me down a crash course with failure. However, 2010 was pivotal in proving one thing, no matter the setback, any individual, if willing, can overcome an adversity.
So what is next? How can I build off the foundation I re-established in 2010? Well first, I have been getting a lot of questions as to why I did not try playing elsewhere after the Italian Playoffs this past summer. Truth is, I finished the season with the Bergamo Lions playing on a fractured tibia, actually for the entire duration of my stay in Italy for that matter. So when I returned stateside I did what needed to be done, shut it down for a little and let it heal. 4 months later, feeling like brand new, and well, let’s get the show started.
A key addition to my support team is my agent, Mike LaCourt, signed him when I returned stateside after discussing my future with an assortment of agents. Mike really felt just a good fit and so I went with him to represent me, so you can check him out, and my player profile, anytime, at the Sports Management Worldwide website (SMWW).
So where is the next destination? I know at the end of the season in Europe this past summer I had hinted as to where I would like to possible return, Spain. After months of messaging back and forth with teams across the EU, I had to make a choice to pursue my career at another level or enjoy the life changing experiences that could possible await with a second round in Europe. After months of contemplating, playing out the scenarios, I have decided to play with the Erie Storm, a professional indoor arena team here in the US, in 2011. Coach Shawn Liotta had been in contact with me since my return to the states and I really took a liking to the professionalism he and the Storm displayed. Why Erie? After discussing and researching them, I found so many things to like, an established coach, a great fan base, but most importantly, they are great at moving players into higher levels. Whether it be AFL1, NFL, or CFL, they just get it done, so in that regards, it made the decision that much easier.
So is it even Imported Goods anymore? Well I thought about how I can convey my message on an international scale to keep that same concept as this past year with the whole, playing overseas as the catalyst. So I came to this conclusion, being overseas it was clear as day that the interest in American Football is evident; furthermore, with the amount of media, social network, and technological advancements, I came to one conclusion, film it! So for all the friends I have overseas, Imported Goods 2011 will be just that, an in-depth look into the life of American Football, straight from the US. It will be featured on our already established UStream Channel: Imported Goods. With training camp set to start the beginning of February, shooting will commence immediately, now that I have been able to start running again. So check out our social networks via Facebook, Twitter, and Blogspot to catch updates as to when Imported Goods will be airing. Imported Goods 2011: Second Rounds on Us is streaming live from the US, worldwide, starting this November.
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