... well I can not believe how fast time is flying here, its now 3 weeks until I say good bye to what has been an incredible experience here in Europe. You know you don't really realize how fortunate you are until you see the finish line, the end. From the moment I stepped foot on EU soil back in January, the welcoming, the stay, and everything in between the beginning and the end has been first-class. Like all things in life their is ups and downs, your good times and bad ones; however, I like to think of life as a photo album. See in photo albums you typically see nothing but happy faces, times where the worries of your world seemed absent if only even for that second. What we forget is that in those photo albums, you do not see all the struggles and obstacles you had to over come to get to those great times.
Thankfully, the photo album of 2010 has been a great one. While their was momentary set backs, the individuals who I have had the pleasure of sharing time with have made each photo everlasting. Being in Europe has reminded me of who I truly am, where I want to go, and what I need to do to make all my dreams a reality. I will admit, in the last 4 years leading up to this one, I made every mistake with my life and career. I derailed my career at Nevada, granted the injury was not my fault, nor the misdiagnoses, but how I handled the entire situation was so immature. Then my own self denial that lead me down a road of depression and anorexia only set me back further. But like I said, having this opportunity to come to the EU and just forget about my troubled past and redirect my life for the better has been triumphant in my mid 20's turn around.
With that said, as 28 Days to the Center of Sergio draws closer to my departure, I share with you a player that captivated me from the beginning. A player who had his ups and downs, his failures and successes, but in the end enjoyed both life and the game to the fullest. So on Day 21, I give to you one of my sports idols, numero venti uno, twenty one, 21, or how ever else you want to type it into Google Translate, Deion Sanders.
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