Wednesday, February 24, 2010

As one sun sets, another sun rises...

It is funny how we as individuals at times go through life unaware of our actions and the affects that they have on those around us. We do things that will lead us down various paths in our lives, but what we forget is that actions speak louder than words. That in life, what we do and how we do it has more potency than any drug or more power than any punch. Because in the end of the day, words fade away into the wind, but our actions, what we do at a given point lasts forever. It last forever maybe not in our mind, or in the history books, but maybe in ways that helped change others lives, even for a day, minute, or second.

Today a good friend of mine sent me a care package here in Spain from the States. While it was filled with items such as my favorite PB and Co Cinnamon Raisin PB or stashes of other quality goods. The one item I valued the most in the box was in fact the least expensive one. In all reality, it was the only thing in the box that did not cost a thing. It was a note that read, "once again, thank you for all you've done for me in such a short time of knowing you... you told me the truth even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear at the moment... for that I will forever be grateful." For those of you that know me, and I do not mean just as some one who added me from the "suggestions" box on Facebook, but some one who really knows me for me. The last year and a half has been a roller coaster ride to say the least. Battling depression, beating anorexia, coming back to play football after Chris Ault and Nevada said my shoulder never could again, and just dealing with all the stress of knowing my life was not where I wanted it to be. To read those words today made me realize you do not have to be some you are not in life to have a positive affect on the world. Just be you. Don't buy into societies bullshit, materialistic stereotypes it imposes, or the medias profound attempt to highlight human chaos. Simply be you, because you never know, even the smallest actions, to you may be nothing, to some one else may be moving.

A little over a year ago I sat in my aunt Miriams living room, texting a good friend of mine, Keisha Hernandez, with the words, "I want to die." It was a low point in my life. Today I sit looking out a window in Spain at a life I then never imagined possible. Never give up on your aspirations, never give up on your dreams, because they are what will get you thru the days but more importantly thru the nights. Do not just live life, learn how to LOVE to live life, because life is too short to focus on the negative when their is so much positive to be done. We all fall, but what is important is that we get back up.

I know this post has nothing to do with football or the current season here in Europe. But, to me this post means more than any other one I have done. Because it involves a moment in my life were I thought I would not ever live again. I forgot, as an All State Insurance commerical said, "it is not about how big your tv is, but who is around with you watching it instead." I bought into what misery threw at me, I am just glad God gave me a second chance to give misery its final TKO.

One life, one love. Beaten but never broken.

This is Sergio Villasenor, this is me.


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