Being a professional athlete is tough, being an international one is even tougher. Everyday us athletes are approached by countless women, some good, most bad, but in the end, are they in it for us, or the fame, ha! Regardless, as athletes our time is limited, workouts, practice, weights, video, and team meetings consume our everyday schedules. So ladies, please, take a moment, fill out the application below, help us make our possible relationships a whole lot easier, ha! Remember, women only, no men, sorry guys I just don't swing that way. This is Esteban Tres Huevos Seis and my version of, callen it Catalunya Speed Dating, ha! As my boy Meech says, stop hesitaten and debating, just, "O' Let Do It!"
Friday, March 26, 2010
Video Clip of Pioners Game
Here is just a one play clip of me going up top on Pioners again, its a routine thing when you throw me the ball. So throw it!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Taking the L in L'Hospitalet
Well it is Tuesday and it appears that the fumes from the loss are still burning, well inside me at least. I hate losing, who doesn't, its like my boy Ice said, "fucking makes me sick." To be honest, this loss really did make me sick. So we go into L'Hospitalet to face off against the Pioners for the second installment in what I will call the Battle for Catalunya, ha, trademark that thank you very much. But back to the story, well to be frank, not much of a story other than a strong let down performance on our part. We came out in the first half and I felt played a decent enough game to win; however, the second half it was as if God himself could not inspire us. We were simply flat, uninspired, and from what on-looker said "scared". And I will agree, it is what it is, and to credit the Pioners and their organization they capitalized time and time again on the mental and physical errors we continued to make play in and play out in the second half. But amongst the loss their was some lessons to be learned, there always is, you just have to be willing to accept them. As a team, Dracs learned that we can not be complacent, and I take some of that responsibility in being too lax and not more focused. Well, I'll tell you this, next time the Dracs take the field, we will be inspired, motivated, and play with a relentlessness that will be something Badalona has never seen. We have crucial matches in the European Championships coming against Bolzano Giants and Vienna Vikings, we can not afford to put on display the same act we did in L'Hospitalet. We must play with fire, we must play with Corazon!!! Those are the principles that built up a reputation of fear, one the Dracs embody, and will once again embody, because anything less than a Spanish Championship and a great run in EFL Euro Bowl will be beyond let down. Because I feel true in my heart that this team, this coach, this organization, this city of Badalona, a city that has re inspired my life, is both ready and capable of not only a Spanish, but also a EFL Championship. This is my commitment, this is my promise, that I will do everything in my power, every ounce of sweat and drop of blood I will give to bring that Championship to this city. And even though our team is small in numbers, we are large in heart, and I know that every single Drac feels the same way. So as Meech says, "O' Let Do It!!!!"
Imported Goods will be airing a full season, starting I believe this week, that will capture the life and times of American and dual passport imports in the EFAF league throughout the EU. I know we should have had one air last week; however, we did not want to put out an inferior product. So we have some great clips on the Meechie and Duba cams to edit for your viewing pleasure so look out for that. Also, in about a week, look for the new website of the Badalona Dracs, curtoisty of Imported Goods and our three team members, Duba, Meech, and myself, should be a nice new website that will feature easy user interaction, live broadcasting capabilities, and fan forums and other attractions. So that will be up shortly.
Well even though we took the loss, we still attempted to make it a great weekend as a team, and that we did. We celebrated the birthday of our sofa sleepen, ketchup, mayo, cream cheese, and bread eatin, Serbian mob and National Player, Lazar big birthday this past weekend. We hit up the top bar in Barca with my boy big sexy and sophisticated Dave. Along for the great times were all of the Dracs pretty much, Carmona, Marcel, Ice (who is one crazy and funny mother f^^^er by the way), Nestor (my main man and brother from another mother), and the man of the hour, Nordi (thee craziest Spaniard in all of Spain) along with the Imported Goods Click as well. So we got our groove on, took down some drinks, enjoyed each others company, and then proceeded to the club only known as Otto. Where we danced, we got jiggy with it, ha, enjoyed the presence of the fine spanish guapas that were simply everywhere that night. I think I might have found my Spanish citizenship chicka by the way, ha, but that is not for this story, that Booooooooty deserves its own blog, lol.
But it is Tuesday here in the BDN, we had a great practice last night, we have a big game as I mentioned earlier against Bolzano Giants so preparations are in full affect. No let downs this time, but only hard work and dedication will get us glory in EFL and LNFA 2010. So lets get to work!!!
This is Esteban Tres Huevos Seis, over n out!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wednesday Relief....
Well it is Wednesday here in Badalona and the big show down between us and the Pioners is only days away. Yesterday provide me with some real relief as I was dealing with a situation that had me in a real bind. It was either go home or find another team that could offer me a little more, but in the end, everything worked itself out. Which I am very grateful for by the way, not only because I was able to find solutions that would allow me to stay on Dracs. But, more importantly, those solutions allowed me to stay in a city that I have come to love. The team and organization here in Badalona has really grown on me. Before coming to Badalona to play for Dracs, my career and life were really just doom and gloom. It was a life that had seen far to many winters and not enough summers if you catch my drift. However, since arriving here I have found, as I would call it, an inner peace within myself that I never really knew of. Seriously, for so long I had been confused about my life, wondering which road to venture on. Since being here, the Dracs and the city of Badalona have brought some clarity into my life, a lot to be honest. So Jordi, Pho, Big Sexy and Sophistacted Dave, Nestor, coach, and really all the guys here for making this experience and opportunity one that I will never forget. Not just because of the times we share on the field, but all the ones we share off it.
So now that my stay here in Badalona has been confirmed for the remainder of the season, best believe the goal and target is still the same. A LNFA 2010 Spanish and EFL 2010 Euro Bowl Championships. With the arrival of Duba on the Defensive Side of the ball I really find it difficult for any one to move on us now. Having another defensive back to provide some real reinforcement and game knowledge is crucial to our success. So Pioners this Saturday, in L'Hospitalet, its going down!!! We beat them the first go around 42-30; however, one of the most difficult things to do in sports is beat the same team twice in one season. So we have to remain focused, play our game, and just play hard till the last whistle if we want to come out victorious. This game is pivotal in cementing our playoff first round bye and locking up the regular season championship. So as Meech would say "O' Let Do It!!!"
That is it for Wednesday, short, sweet, and to the point, just like I like my women, lol. Terrible phrase but it just went so well together, o well, ha! But its Wednesday, the sun is shining, and we are the in B-Town baby so lets get it crackin!
Esteban Tres Huevos Seis! Over n Out!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thursdays Insight.....
Well it is Thursday morning here in Badalona and to be honest I am feeling better and better with each day that passes. While the arrival of Duba has brought some rather "nippy" weather, it has brought a great personality to de Casa de Importos de Futbol Americano, ha! Seriously, the whole chemistry of the apartment has just changed, and believe you me, for the better. With Lazar in here as well the whole vibe is just so positive. To be honest, I strongly feel we have a great chemisty here at the crib that allows each one of our own individual qualities to just shine thru.
But in all honesty this week has just been filled with excitement and in turn just flown by already. We had the most snow fall here in the Barcelona region in decades, as pre

I have inserted some short clips of the game this past week against the Valencia Firebats. It was a good game that really solidified our position as the top team in LNFA 2010 here in Espana. Now we have to continue building from week to week and get ready to face off against the Pioneers next Saturday in L'Hospitalet. That game will determine whether or not we are able to lock in a bye week in the playoffs and be put into the Semi-Finals automatically. So there is a lot at stake in terms of giving us time off to recoup for playoffs and most importantly prepare for the EFL Euro Bowl which is right around the corner. But as previously stated, here are the clips:
If you have been following my blog here on Blogspot I would like to recommend that you also check out my roommates and good friends blogs as well. Demetrius Eaton, aka Meech or to all you sexy ladies out there Meechie Baby, is a great guy who I have had the opportunity to share some time with here in Espana. I don't want to sound homo or anything but this dude has really made the stay here thus far a great one. He is a very open minded person who is sincere about everything he does in life, so with that said, follow his blog at Euro Ballers, or just CLICK HERE!!!
Next, David Oredugba, aka thee Nupe on Imported Goods. I have only had about a half week to get to know Dave but in all honesty this guy is a one of a kind guy, I know I know, strong no homo, but I mean it is what it is. His creativity and just whole vibe elevated the Casa de Importos from the day he arrived. Okay, so he brought the snow but shoot, with in the first 24 hours of him getting on Espana soil, we launched Imported Goods via UStream and just in general maken the days a lot more worth while with three cats, I mean four (Serbian Mob aka the "Beast", Lazar), that just want to enjoy life and be happy. None of the guys that reside in thsi casa focus on the negavities in life or all that other, excuse my French, BULLSHIT! We are just here to experience a new culture, meet some great new friends, play the sport we love, and really just diversify our selves individually and come together and join to form what can be an unstoppable for in various aspects of business and life. But look for his blog which I believe will be up shortly called if I remember correctly, "Blame it on Duba". Should be up with in the next few days so check it out. This Nupe is one of the few I can kick it with, Azul and Rojo, we aint crips or bloods, but we got a gang of Greeks steppin in our Clicks though, ha!
Big ups to FRAT back in Reno, Nevada. Mayo Thompson, Marcus White, Jon Baur, Anthony Dionisi, Reginald Greer, Lawrence James, Lee "Turtle" Massey, and yours truly Esteban Tres Huevos Seis aka THΣ PHRANCHIZΣ are about to be chartered here in days at the Phi Beta Sigma, INCORPORTAED Western Regionals. I know the men previously stated have put in countless hours and work to charter the first Phi Beta Sigma chapter on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno, but it is worth every blood, sweat, and tear, best believe that!!!
But its getting pretty long so I'll just leave you with one last thing, don't live life, love to live life. Make every day an important one, focus on what you can do, not what you don't got! Because to often we waste time blaming other and focusing on the negatives that we are bombarded with. So stay up. One Love.
Esteban Tres Huevos Seis, LIVE from Badalona, Barcelona, Espana.
"Get your WE-KEY WE-KEY on!!!"
Next, David Oredugba, aka thee Nupe on Imported Goods. I have only had about a half week to get to know Dave but in all honesty this guy is a one of a kind guy, I know I know, strong no homo, but I mean it is what it is. His creativity and just whole vibe elevated the Casa de Importos from the day he arrived. Okay, so he brought the snow but shoot, with in the first 24 hours of him getting on Espana soil, we launched Imported Goods via UStream and just in general maken the days a lot more worth while with three cats, I mean four (Serbian Mob aka the "Beast", Lazar), that just want to enjoy life and be happy. None of the guys that reside in thsi casa focus on the negavities in life or all that other, excuse my French, BULLSHIT! We are just here to experience a new culture, meet some great new friends, play the sport we love, and really just diversify our selves individually and come together and join to form what can be an unstoppable for in various aspects of business and life. But look for his blog which I believe will be up shortly called if I remember correctly, "Blame it on Duba". Should be up with in the next few days so check it out. This Nupe is one of the few I can kick it with, Azul and Rojo, we aint crips or bloods, but we got a gang of Greeks steppin in our Clicks though, ha!
Big ups to FRAT back in Reno, Nevada. Mayo Thompson, Marcus White, Jon Baur, Anthony Dionisi, Reginald Greer, Lawrence James, Lee "Turtle" Massey, and yours truly Esteban Tres Huevos Seis aka THΣ PHRANCHIZΣ are about to be chartered here in days at the Phi Beta Sigma, INCORPORTAED Western Regionals. I know the men previously stated have put in countless hours and work to charter the first Phi Beta Sigma chapter on the campus of the University of Nevada, Reno, but it is worth every blood, sweat, and tear, best believe that!!!
But its getting pretty long so I'll just leave you with one last thing, don't live life, love to live life. Make every day an important one, focus on what you can do, not what you don't got! Because to often we waste time blaming other and focusing on the negatives that we are bombarded with. So stay up. One Love.
Esteban Tres Huevos Seis, LIVE from Badalona, Barcelona, Espana.
"Get your WE-KEY WE-KEY on!!!"
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Introducing the Cast of Imported Goods (Live on UStream)
First off I would like to introduce to you all the cast of Imported Goods, a 24/7 live broadcast, coming to your screen from Badalona, Barcelona, Spain. Imported Goods will highlight the life of American Football Imports here in the EFAF (European Federation of American Football) with this first season being filmed during the Spanish LNFA 2010. Imported Good will feature the life and times, in addition to general daily interactions, of Demetrius Eaton (former LB for the Northwestern Wildcats), David Oredugba (former DB for the Northwestern Wildcats), and, yours truly, Sergio Villasenor (former DB for the University of Nevada, Reno) aka to many of you here in Spain as Esteban Tres Huevos Seis. We will also have a special guest that goes on Imported Goods as the "Serbian Mob" but you can call him Lazar, now a member of the Serbian National Team. Note, all members of Imported Goods are members of the premier team in Spain, and one of Europes most competitive, Badalona Dracs. Who currently sit atop of the LNFA 2010 standings in Spain and will being competition in EFL Euro Bowl, the premier European Championship for American Football.
The worldwide premier of Imported Goods will air tonight here in Spain at midnight (GMT+1), which is 3pm (Pacific Standard Time) for everyone watching in the States. It will feature three webcamer angles live from our apartment here in Badalona. Click Here To Watch on our UStream Channel! Do note, that the live feed will begin at roughly midnight here in Badalona, so expect it to air either 2 or 3 minutes early or late, first time around may have some kinks. Just in case.
So tune in tonight, for the World Premier of Imported Goods!
Imported Goods, Live on UStream...
featuring Sergio Villasenor (University of Nevada, Reno) , Demetrius Eaton (University of Northwestern), and David Oredugba (University of Northwestern) airing LIVE daily from Badalona, Barcelona, Spain. Click Here to View!!! Imported Goods will air daily at midnight (GMT +1), so roughly 3pm for all my family and close friends in the Los Angeles slash West Coast Region of the United States.
Imported Goods will feature a live 24/7 broadcast featuring days in the life of three American Import Football players in Spain. All three players are members of the premier team in both Spain and Europe, the Badalona Dracs. The new season will premier tomorrow as previously stated to give all of you an introduction into what we do over seas. So please tune in for some fun and entertaining, but most importantly live, video footage of just three guys living the dream.
Special note, for all the Serbian views in attendance, Imported Goods will feature a special guest on the daily broadcasts, Serbian National Team Member Lazar Milicevic. So look out for his spin and take on american football. Guaranteed to be the heart and soul of the show, ha!
So tune in tomorrow @ Midnight (GMT +1) for the world premier episode of Imported Goods! One dream, one house, three cameras, a Sigma, a Nupe, international breakout artist Meech, and member of the Serbian Mob Lazar. You already know it is going down so tune in!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Snowflakes "N" Monday Afternoons
Well its Monday, not your typical afternoon here in Espana...ha! I suppose it's never typical when your in Catalunya and you look of your balcony to a sky filled with snow. Yes, I said it. Snow! Now when I always thought Barcelona, and just Spain in general, first thing that comes to mind is tanned skin'd nice booty Spanish beauties. But I suppose mother nature didn't get that memo because she unleashed a snow storm on all of the coast today. So instead of being beach side we are in the apartment in snow jackets in the living room tryna stay warm... lol... three Americans and one crazy ass Serbian kid.
Well tonight David got in from the States to complete the trio of Stateside Imports here in Badalona, and he sure did bring a bag full of good vibes. He instantly bumped up the mood in the crib in comparison to the previous weeks. But as a Sigma, ha. Mission accomplished. I had this Nupe from head to toe in the Azul, lol! It was an easy setup for the kid due to the extreme weather conditions, but I got my Drew Brees on and just capatilized on the situation. But in all seriousness, with hsi arrival I really think it just adds to our entire team. Every week we are coming closer as a team, from on the field to off the field and this addition only boosts our momentum! So as Meech says, "O' let do it".
But it is cold as penguins toe nails in this crib, so this blog entry is going to be short and sweet. Mainly just highlighting the fact that it snowed in Barcelona today, and not just a quick gust but a good couple inches. Most ever according to some sources.
So obvioulsy no meetings or practice, so till Wednesday or the next installment, adios.
Tres Huevos
Well tonight David got in from the States to complete the trio of Stateside Imports here in Badalona, and he sure did bring a bag full of good vibes. He instantly bumped up the mood in the crib in comparison to the previous weeks. But as a Sigma, ha. Mission accomplished. I had this Nupe from head to toe in the Azul, lol! It was an easy setup for the kid due to the extreme weather conditions, but I got my Drew Brees on and just capatilized on the situation. But in all seriousness, with hsi arrival I really think it just adds to our entire team. Every week we are coming closer as a team, from on the field to off the field and this addition only boosts our momentum! So as Meech says, "O' let do it".
But it is cold as penguins toe nails in this crib, so this blog entry is going to be short and sweet. Mainly just highlighting the fact that it snowed in Barcelona today, and not just a quick gust but a good couple inches. Most ever according to some sources.
So obvioulsy no meetings or practice, so till Wednesday or the next installment, adios.
Tres Huevos
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Cambio mi nombre....
... its Sergio, no it is Esteban, no...... its Superman. Well its Sunday night here in Badalona, one more day until our latest import installment arrives, looking forward to it!!! Come tomorrow we will have a crazy setup here in de casa, the overall talent artist, Meech, a Sigma, yours truly, and Nupe, David, and the latest member of the SERBIAN National Team, Lazar. Talk about some diversity under one roof, ladies we have a wide variety of men here in de Casa de Importos, from short to tall, and all along the color spectrum, ha.
But back to a quick wrap up of the game yesterday vs Valencia. For some reason playing against Valencia, the game just seems to drag on and on like a bad movie. I prefer the excitement of playing Pioneers, and I am certainly looking forward to our next clash in two weeks which will certainly determine once and for all who the best team in all of Spain is. But yesterday, we came out and just took care of business. My boy Meech out here finally got his cherry popped, lol, and got in that endzone, not once, but twice! His endzone skit has inspired my next endzone dance performance slash routine, just wait and see, ha. We played a good game, but I think most of us get the feeling that we have so much more room to grow and build upon it is freightening. To think we only have 22 players, ha, smallest team in Europe, but I guarantee the team with the biggest _ _ _ _ s, if you now what I mean.
But now we have a bye week and must prepare for what will be a crossroads in our season. The Pioneers game. We have to really focus and get in a good week and half of practicing. No playing around these next two weeks. Serious business. We need to build on momentum, get a win vs Pioneers to carry us full sails into EFL competition, which is right around the corner.
Okay okay enough of the football talk, what about last night? Lol. Well, it was a great night celebrating Carmonas, aka Zorro, aka the Mi-HEEEEE-Can-oooooooooo, birthday. But in all honestly last night I realized that much more how great of chemistry resides with in this team. The feeling of familia and brotherhood is just so evident in everything that we do. I been thinking that although this is just my first season in Europe, and while many believe it has been going good, I am thankful that God has placed me in an environment that is as great as this. This whole experience has opened my eyes in so many ways. To think its only half way, so I am looking forward to what lays ahead.
One final dedication, goes to my Drac Hermano Pho. This guy has been great since the moment I first arrived here in Espana. I know that he recently suffered a loss; however, no matter what life throws at us remain positive and the good people you have around you, the Dracs and tu familia will help you. You already know, you have a band of brother in silver and black that will ride or die with you till the end bro. Keep your head up.
Well, that about does it for this go around. Till next time.
Buenos Noches!
But back to a quick wrap up of the game yesterday vs Valencia. For some reason playing against Valencia, the game just seems to drag on and on like a bad movie. I prefer the excitement of playing Pioneers, and I am certainly looking forward to our next clash in two weeks which will certainly determine once and for all who the best team in all of Spain is. But yesterday, we came out and just took care of business. My boy Meech out here finally got his cherry popped, lol, and got in that endzone, not once, but twice! His endzone skit has inspired my next endzone dance performance slash routine, just wait and see, ha. We played a good game, but I think most of us get the feeling that we have so much more room to grow and build upon it is freightening. To think we only have 22 players, ha, smallest team in Europe, but I guarantee the team with the biggest _ _ _ _ s, if you now what I mean.
But now we have a bye week and must prepare for what will be a crossroads in our season. The Pioneers game. We have to really focus and get in a good week and half of practicing. No playing around these next two weeks. Serious business. We need to build on momentum, get a win vs Pioneers to carry us full sails into EFL competition, which is right around the corner.
Okay okay enough of the football talk, what about last night? Lol. Well, it was a great night celebrating Carmonas, aka Zorro, aka the Mi-HEEEEE-Can-oooooooooo, birthday. But in all honestly last night I realized that much more how great of chemistry resides with in this team. The feeling of familia and brotherhood is just so evident in everything that we do. I been thinking that although this is just my first season in Europe, and while many believe it has been going good, I am thankful that God has placed me in an environment that is as great as this. This whole experience has opened my eyes in so many ways. To think its only half way, so I am looking forward to what lays ahead.
One final dedication, goes to my Drac Hermano Pho. This guy has been great since the moment I first arrived here in Espana. I know that he recently suffered a loss; however, no matter what life throws at us remain positive and the good people you have around you, the Dracs and tu familia will help you. You already know, you have a band of brother in silver and black that will ride or die with you till the end bro. Keep your head up.
Well, that about does it for this go around. Till next time.
Buenos Noches!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Valencia (Do or Die Time)

Now, with 3 games under our belts, sitting 2-1, with a game in hand because of the weather postponement of our Gijon game, we have a great opportunity to get a win against Valencia and solidify our spot as the best team in Spain, but more importantly build up momentum for a great rematch between Dracs and Pioneers in L'Hospitalet two weeks from now. While we are not over looking the Firebats, our focus still remains on becoming Spanish Champions, and then moving our efforts after the next Pioneers game to our EFL Euro Bowl Group Stage matches against the Vienna Vikings (Austria) and the Bolzano Giants (Italy).
For those of you who do not know what the Euro Bowl is, here is a quick summary. The European Football League EFL is the top tournament of european club teams o

But back to Valencia, in order for us to win we must come out with the same intensity that we did with Osos Madrid in our last game. We just have to come out and as an old coach of mine used to say, "hit'em in the jaw". We can not allow for their run game to get going, but more importantly I feel as long as we remain balanced on offense with a good combination of Nordi running the ball and our QB Sergi aka Tom Brady, also known as "Madden", gets the ball to all our wide outs, we will control possession but more importantly the game.
This week is a good week for us to really clamp down on our pass defense. I feel that in recent weeks we get very "lax" because we have been getting up big on opponents and give up easy catches. Not this week, this is crucial in our preparations for Pioneers as they have one of the premier passing attacks in all of Europe this season.
Well, it should be a great setting tonight in the BDN at 6pm or 1800 hours as yall out here in the EU go by. Look for us to come out with some fire and much enthusiasm as we look to keep on track for a Spanish and EFL Championship.
This is Esteban Tres Huevos Seis, coming to live from the BDN, this is BADALONA!!!!!!!!!!!
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